Tapping into Community: Doing Life Together
Photo Credit: Silas Schneider
Where are you going and what role do the people around you play in that journey? In watching “Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones” on Netflix recently, I was struck by the importance of community in determining the longevity of a population. Societies where people live the longest have a strong culture of “togetherness”. In Greece, neighbors enjoy long dinners followed by dancing on warm evenings. In Okinawa, grandparents take care of small children at nursery schools, staying young themselves and passing lessons down through the generations.
What role does community play in your life? I walk regularly with a friend and find it refreshing, both physically and emotionally. I look forward to those meetings and have noticed that creating those plans increases my productivity during the day, making me more disciplined with my projects, so I can be ready to leave on time. Sometimes I even make a mental note of recent events I want to share from my life or choices I see coming up on the horizon so I can solicit the input of my walking companion. It can also be eye-opening to hear how I describe the situations out loud to her as what I had thought was important may turn out to be less so as I share the story. She often offers a thought I hadn’t considered and I can toss it into the mix as I explore options for advancing.
While it can be easy to fall into a routine with the same people and it’s comforting to have those on whom I know I can rely, it’s sometimes revealing to connect with others who see things from a unique perspective, broadening the aperture of what’s possible. For example, a friend of mine recently made plans to embark on a medical mission trip to Africa and it inspired me to contemplate how I spend my vacation time, what can be accomplished in even a short period away and what kind of impact I want to have on the world.
What are some visions of your future with which you’d like to experiment? Perhaps you’re contemplating how and where to invest in volunteering. I was impressed a couple weeks ago with a newer acquaintance who took her family to clean up a green area adjacent to a river for the benefit of those living nearby. Though she was physically tired when I saw her afterwards, she was also reinvigorated by the chance to meet new people outside her normal circle and surprised by how welcoming they had been on her first visit. Maybe someone you know has already jumped in and would be willing to share their perspective on an outreach project, so you can explore fit even before committing.
Or perhaps you’re looking for your next career opportunity and need information on some organizations of interest. Who do you know who works there? Or maybe someone in a similar industry could offer insights if you meet them for tea or request a short video chat online if that’s more convenient.
As you venture out, think about what you bring to each relationship. What is it you can offer? What books, shows or podcasts have you absorbed recently that might relate to where your connections want to go next? Who in your world may be the perfect person for them to meet?
If you’re not quite sure where you’re heading next in your career or your life, a thoughtful walking companion or a coffee-drinking friend with keen listening skills may be the sounding board you need to see the path clearly. May you find inspiration as you “do life together.” Here’s to community!