How Salty Are You?
Photo Credit: Emily Giacomini; Algarve, Portugal
Recently I visited a float center for the first time, on the recommendation of a new friend. I’m now calling it a “salt float” which sums up the experience well. Slip into a shallow tub filled with 100 pounds of salt and you can’t help but pop up to the surface. It was incredibly relaxing, this feeling of weightlessness, almost as if I had no body, except for the times my hand or foot would tap gently against the side of the tub and remind me I was still on earth and not drifting through galaxies!
Since then, I’ve got to thinking about the incredible properties of salt to cleanse, heal and season, as well as how excellent leaders do the same for their teams.
Cleansing can be painful sometimes. In a mini-tour of the spa before the float, my guide suggested I apply petroleum jelly from a small packet they provided to any paper cuts I had, to protect them from exposure to the salt water. In spite of my best efforts, I learned pretty quickly I had more little cuts than I had realized. By some point in the float they stopped bothering me and I appreciated that the salt’s antibacterial properties must have cleaned them well.
Leaders occasionally need to eradicate what’s not working in their teams or organizational systems. As an example, addressing underperformance may sting the recipient at the time, but ultimately keeps that person and the whole team on track. It also serves relationships well when leaders can honestly engage in a difficult conversation and the rest of the team develops confidence that all members are being held to the same high standard of delivering results.
Salt water can increase circulation, reduce stiffness in joints and bring some relief to achy muscles. As a leader what impact do you have on your direct reports after passing them briefly in the hall, engaging in a video call or collaborating in a team meeting? I appreciated David Brooks’ profound and practical Oct. 19th New York Times’ article "The Essential Skills for Being Human" and especially the line, "The wise person's essential gift is tender receptivity." Are you someone your team feels safe to approach with any concerns about meeting a tight deadline on a demanding project or needing to take unexpected leave to care for a family member? It has been said that every encounter is either positive or negative. What would the tally be if you took a snapshot of your interactions over the past week?
Salt is used across continents and cultures to season food. It helps us enhance the natural qualities of what exists already. Each leader has a distinct style and brings a particular flavor in drawing out the unique strengths of group members. If you’re not sure what your style is, check out one of the many free assessments online to catch a glimpse of how you show up for others. A delicious meal not only nourishes those who enjoy it, but also energizes them for what’s to come.
How much cleansing, healing and seasoning do you bring to your leadership role? May even this short moment of reflection and curiosity encourage you in the level of your leadership’s salt content!